I agree with the enforcer, that personal relations are more important than causes or patriotism. Patriotism is the love a person has for their nation no matter what. I believe that to some people, personal relations is more important than their entire nation.
I believe that this statement is true because there has been many greedy people in this world that don't care at all about their country, just as long as they are satisfied with themselves. Since right now the presidential elections are going on, I will be using candidates as examples, as well as other people. Not necessarily just Clinton and Trump but all the presidential candidates from the past. I feel like most people are so selfish that they wouldn't give something up for their nation. For example, if a random person was told that either they had to die or a large population of the nation would die and the person would be safe, I think about maybe 50% wouldn't sacrifice themselves for their country. Most people would only think about themselves and not save a large populations just so they can be safe. Especially when it comes to money, people get even more greedy. Sadly that's just how the world is.
I feel that the presidential elections are fake. Some candidates don't even care at all about the nation they want to be in charge of. All they want is the power the position comes with. I'm not going to say any names because I somehow feel that at one point, all candidates are greedy. All they do is plan to "make the nation better again" but they usually never do anything about it. They just make promises that they usually don't keep. Sometimes by the persons' greed they even make the nation worse. They power gets to their head and they forget about the people and only care for themselves. For example, Fidel Castro was the ruler of Cuba and had really bad conditions in the country that were not good for the people. All he wanted was the power that came with being a ruler of a country. That's why I usually don't take any candidate seriously because of this.
In this world there are many selfish people. I know that I'm repeating myself in this fraise, but only because it's true. This world is filled with greedy people. All most of them want is power over a population, in which they care nothing about. There are some rare cases that some candidates actually fall through with their promises, but I feel like it's only once in a blue moon. I hope it wouldn't be like this, but it sadly is.
In conclusion, I repeat my statement that I agree with the enforcer that personal relations are more important than causes or patriotism. I have many reasons for this, in which I have talked about in this essay.